Setting goals can help us easily get where we want to.. what are yoga goals..are there any or should there be any at all?
In my sight there should not be any yoga goals and it should be done just for a pursuit of happiness peace strength and tranquility for people for their own different reasons.
We should concentrate on Growth than on Goals!
The point I’m trying to make is that I reckon our yoga journeys should be all about growth, first and foremost, and we shouldn’t stress over specific goals that may or may not demonstrate how much we’ve grown.
Growth looks and feels different to everybody. We each grow from the place we start — the age you start practicing, the physical condition you begin in, through the frequency of your practice, the lessons of your teachers, and what you are naturally drawn to discover through yoga.
For some it will be the ability to stay still and meditate, for others it will be more “acrobatic” postures. For others it will be the mindfulness they are able to bring to everyday life.
For all of us perhaps the best measure of growth should be the better person we try to become.
When i first started off with yoga.. as in when i was even more rookie.. with those tenderfeet i was just into sun salutations and getting more flexibility.. but Blimey! The deeper i got into it; i discovered that its not just about flexibility and indeed m still not so flexible… yoga is beyond flexibility.. in its own sweet way it teaches u more patience and how to fight with all your fears whilst getting out of that cocooned comfort zone..
So doing a yoga pose perfectly is not a goal.. headstand is not a goal.. handstand is not a goal..flexibility is not a goal..
Its about the way it challenges our beliefs about ourselves..
Yoga allows us time and space to explore alternatives to our usual patterns. Practising Yoga allows us not just a physical opening and limbering but also a mental re-framing. Stretching our bodies stretches our minds too.
We get more aware of our habits with the calmness that’s involved in yogaing.Yoga offers us generous awareness to see these familiar habits.
Sometimes i cant even reach my toes properly.. but i have reached that feeling..that feeling that they call
RASASVADA!!(will soon write on the same too)?
Hence, Goal is to create space where you were once stuck.. finding your true self and your real capabilities;the fearless unfurl your strength wings.. to unveil those layers of protection on your appreciate your body and becoming aware of what your heart and mind want to speak..
Keep yogaing!???‍♂️

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