Are you a big foodie, me too, rather a glutton at times; sweet hunger pangs make me devour at cheese cakes(blueberry is my fave) and banoffee pie another fave as i have sweet tusk too! ?But you know most of the food that we eat; indian or non indian, spicy or non spicy, oily or non oily, sweet or sour or even bland can lead to weight gain if not eaten in a balanced quantity!
But to fit in those sesky bodycon dresses we must eat right to get those abs and flat tummy with no muffin top to budge in!
Eating too much food and eating too much of butter, sugar, salt, chilly, oil and wrong cooking techniques are the leading cause of weight gain especially in our generation!
Have scrumptious food but dont have fattening food. Yes, indeed all kinda food that whets your appetite is either fathening or sinful!
But you can still continue eating the same recipes just by tweaking them a bit!
Try replacing carbohydrates and fat rich food with protein rich food.Protein not only improves metabolism and also keeps hunger at bay by reducing hunger hormone levels in the body and keeping us satiated.
And if we’ll eat less we’ll gain less and we’ll keep our blood sugar levels under control!
Protein must be already there in your diet but are you eating in the right quantity and quality!
In quantity, i reckon that it should be more than our daily carb intake and in quality it should be taken from the right source. Protein is very much critical for muscles building, body strength and energy and hormonal balance as well!
Hence our Brain and Brawn depends majorly on our protien intake.
 Proteins are considered long chains of amino acids.Amino acids can be found in many different types of fruits and vegetables like dry nuts, pulses, beans, guava, flaxseed, soyseed, banana, peaches etc but the highest sources are those that come from animals – like meat, dairy, eggs and fish!( my fave chicken broth that i have on regular basis especially for dinner)
Low protein intake can lead to memory loss, low concentration power, lethargy, mood swings and trouble maintaining weight as our metabolism becomes too sluggish!
More than required protein intake can also lead to same deficiencies or may be more!
Carbs, protein, fats and all other nutrients are building blocks of our body.
Hence each meal should be nutritious enough so that one should not get into any deficiency problem!
Actually its not about what you eat rather its about when do you it!
You can binge on rice (switch to brown rice if you really a rice lover) and chapati too but its better to avoid them at night bacause healthy low carb diet, which is easy to digest, are preferred during night.
Will soon write more along the same lines!

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