I know that shreaky alarm clock’s irksome noise right in our ears in the morning is not nice at all,even i hate surfacing early but considering how an early sweat session will benefit our body, i would say we must fall in love with that shreaky noise!
Not only morning sessions are easier to stick to as you wont have any early morning commitments,they also leave you recharged enough for the whole day. An hour workout early in the morning will leave you as energised as a big pitcher of fresh juice would do.
Science also suggests that working out early—more specifically, before you’ve had breakfast—may help the body burn fat more efficiently.
Yes, hitting the gym or even going for a run at a crack of dawn when your body is still in a snooze mode is an ultimate task.
Nevertheless, you can initially choose a smooth going workout rather than a high intensity one to give a wakey wakey call to your energy levels as well!
Start with easy warm up exercises and then go further ahead with more intense body strength workout!
1. Hip touches
2. High knees
3. spot running
4. Jumping jacks
5. Mountain climbers
6. Side alternate plank
7. Jumping lunges
8. Elbow plank
9. Bearwalk or inchwarm
10. Yogamat side jumps
Do 5 sets of all these exercises with 
8-10 reps in the first set,
1 min rest!
10-12 reps in the second set,
1 min rest!
12-15 reps in the third set
2 min rest!
10-12 reps in the fourth set
1 min rest!
8-10 reps in the fifth set
Done and dusted!
So what you are doing here is gradually increasing the intensity of the workout and then reducing it back to what you started with.. its a form of High-low instensity interval training!
And dont forget to add some stretching exercises post your workout as its an important cog in the wheel of fitness training! (Will soon write on the same) ?????‍♂️

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