And i know that i am already an awkward contortionist for you all because now a days there are more high chances of anyone seeing me entangled in a pose than sitting or standing still.??
Nevertheless, Acro has sprinkled more madness for yoga in me to such an extent that i wait the whole week with different challenging acrobatic poses playing in my mind to try them all with my yoga buddies.
In Acrobatical yoga by performing poses in pairs, with one of you acting as a base, both partner’s core muscles have to work extra hard just to maintain that one position. The power of gravity plays its part in enabling both partners to achieve a greater flexibility than from yoga performed on mats. Your partner assists you in your poses, and helps you get deeper in to your practice. Its like two people on a same journey together with both having their own ways to explore those meandering roads on the way.

Like i, feverishly wanted to strike a shoulder stand with my partner just to prove myself that yes even i can do it all in this age though i took a deep plunge into my yoga practice just three to four years back as before that yoga was just 10 to 108 sun salutations for me.
But ashtanga yoga and acro yoga has unfurled my wings of confidence and exposure into yoga in no time though yes, years of yoga practice indeed helped in my this feat.
My fun way to get better with my poses,gain more strength on my core and shoulders and to lop off more weight.. Acroyoga it is.
In Acro practice, we need atleast three people;
Base – this is the person who stays on the ground. Often this person is lying on the ground with the entire back torso in full contact. This enables both the arms and legs to be able to balance the person who is going to try asanas on him/her.
Flyer – this is the individual who is elevated off the ground by the Base. The Flyer can move into a series of dynamic positions. A Flyer needs balance, confidence, and core strength.
Spotter – this is the individual who has an objective view of the partners, and whose focus is on making sure that the Flyer lands safely in case of any slips.
So i have tried being all three and all three roles have their own charm and fun to it because when you are doing a same pose with all three roles you can easily gauge the perspective and manoeuvring art of your partner doing the other role through which the calibration and synergy between the partners works wonders!