MIRACulous Workout it isWho needs gym when you have such a cute-faced-smiling dumbbells at home?!?!? ☺️?
Keeping a 5 year old boy engaged is a mammoth task but to keep a 1 year old little baby girl engaged is beyond it all atleast in my case but my short workout sessions with her comes in for rescue here!
A swell morning workout with my lil cupcake workout ninja “MIRAcle” 
indeed makes my day! ?
Waking up early in the morning has always been a task for me but to play with my little cutiepatootie indeed makes it easy peasy as it charges up my batteries in no time!
My mornings are for my yoga practice and strength training.
Hence, incorporating some workouts into my routine that would allow me to couple a great sweat session with a little baby/mommy time works well!
Hence, sharing this daughter/mommy workout video with you all!
(My fourth workout video, hope it’ll help n motivate you all)
Working mommies can try this too because not only you can get that little window to burn some calories off but also sneak out some mommy/baby time together.
The workout that i have shared here is not only easy for beginners and women who wants to lop off their post pregnancy weight but also for no-time-to-go-to-the-gym working women as these are all no equipment home workouts and all you need is your cute lil baby (preferably YOUR own baby because i guess your friends might not agree to give theirs especially for your workout sessions, instead use dumbbells… ??) and your own body weight!
Ps: New mommies please remember to check with your doctor first to confirm that you and your baby are both healthy enough for this workout. Once you have the clearance, get ready to sweat it all out!
I am doing 6 simple exercises here for legs, arms, abs and obliques.
1. Squats(2 sets 10 rep each) : With baby tucked in tight in your hands (baby in your hands helps you work on your arms as well) stand a little more than shoulder-width apart, toes turned out and begin to Squat down. Start with 2 sets of 10 reps and build on as you become stronger.
2. Lunges (2 sets with 5 reps on each side) :holding the baby comfortably with your hands go down for towards one side to lunge and then on the other side.
3. Knees up Crunches (2 sets of 10 reps each):
4. Simple front crunches with baby sitting on your tummy (2 sets of 10 reps each)
5. Russian twists whilst moving the baby side to side (2 sets of 10 reps each): here we are working on our abs and on our obliques (side abs)
6. Sit ups (2 sets of 10 reps each): here in these sit ups also you are working on your arms (especially on those not so cool bingo wings): hold the baby comfortably tight with your hands and by engaging your core,try and come up in sitting position and everytime u come up and touch the baby’s feet on the floor area between your legs, you can kiss your baby and then again go down for the second rep!
Remember, to #enjoythoselittlethings that make life worth living, so never feel like you have to sacrifice one priority for another. With a little creativity, you can find more effective ways to take care of yourself and your family.
 Hope you all enjoy watching my videos.
Its my 4th workout video and up on youtube as well.
sharing the youtube link below:


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