Shoulder stand works on our entire body as its a complete pose in itself.
You can say goodbye to constipation and blocked nose with this asana.
Like i always say that its all in the mind.
We just have to convince that bugger(mind), once thats done, half our battle is won as our body is capable of what are mind is convinced of.

Taking snippets from my Acro journey, just 15 days back. I was struggling with the bird pose, with the balance and the calibration between my base and me, i could achieve that in no time. Whereas shoulder stand, albeit i didn’t give up but i knew in my head that i might not be able to achieve this one so quickly and easily and it did take me a while to crack this one and strike it perrrrffeeecctlyyy with a capital P but yess a lot of fear of falling, fear of hurting my partner who was basing me, and the thought in my head that could be its the age factor as with the age our body kinda gives up before time. But no, keeping it all in my mind and trying it, was an utter waste of time hence, used the power of my own words and i told myself then and there “You have to do this Neha” You have to do this right now and you can do this”
And Blimey! After so many falls also i could strike a shoulder stand with my base. Fearlessly enjoying the world from upside down view and trust me its more kaleidoscopic and beautiful this way. I guess seeing the same thingy differently or in a different angle indeed changes our perception about it and same goes with our mind; push your mind to think differently and positively about it all and the results will be phenomenal.
You can apply these rubrics to not only those difficult tasks and also to people in your life ; by changing your mind your perception about them.
Sarvangasana or shoulder stand whether striked on the floor or in acro with tour base balances the Thyroid and hypothalamus glands, allowing for proper hormone also improves flexibility and strengthens the core, neck, shoulders and arms.
Due to an increase blood flow on the face, it reduces wrinkles and helps with varicose veins as well.
Ps: It goes without saying that you must not attempt this until you have someone to guide you and spot you and in my two cents’ worth, you should never try Acro Yoga in a confined small area.