We are always the same age inside no, then why not bring it out?!?
Where’s all the fun vanished?
Don’t you all Sometimes wish to be a little kid again so that you can play Pretend-pretend when life gets tougher and stressful. Being that little boy/girl who used to innocently n feverishly wait for the Christmas gift under the pillow and when your father was the only boy in your life whom you had kissed n hugged. When your biggest problem was school homework and every time you were gloomy, sad or you had a bad day you could just run to your mommy for that motherly hug and it would all be okay at a drop of a hat.
I am sure you are getting that pang of nostalgia reading it all?!?
I wanna go back to those fun and frolic horse and buggy days ya..
Don’t you?!?
So, Yesss, let that “little” you in that “grownup” you breath again and get alive again.
One reason why i always wanted my own extensions..my kids is to see the world afresh through their unjaded eyes and trust me the view is fabulous.
The feeling of being a kid again is an antidote for all the negativity around us and in us.
Indulge into all that fun thingies that you did and thingies that you could not do in your childhood.
We sometimes long for that freedom and adventurous salad days.
Relive n rekindle that lively rollicking feeling by thinking and acting like a kid again. 
You can totally do some old innocent cute shenanigans all over again.
Go back to the world of colors and rainbows and cotton candies.
Keep all your inhibitions aside and just don’t bother about one lame statement..
Log kya kahenge..
Half of our dreams are crushed scotched and shattered just because of this one line. So, never let the age extinguish the fire of your inner child.
I keep that little bub in me alive through my yogaing and hula hooping as well.
Indeed by yogaing where ever i go; i say hello to the small kid in me; on the busy streets of delhi, in the park with friends , on the vacay, in the house with my kids..yoga does that to me and hooping is another creative stressbuster and teaches a lot of life lessons on the go..(will write soon about the same) 
I feel complete, happy, stressfree and rejuvenated!
Be full of life again, grow up once again and this time do it in even more rapturous way that too without homeworks and without exams..wink!
Make your life more kaleidoscopic and rose tinted. We all were creative in our own amazing ways around that time of our life but what really happened in between, where did we leave that child behind; that tot who was such a livewire and chirpy soul.
Distance yourself from the complexities of life, and once again become excited over the small thingies and take your self in the times when the joy of having little things made you more happy than money, when superheroes and fairytales were real to us.
Have simple wants n needs in life like
that little peck from your mommy meant the world to you then.
Well that Reminds me of a song by coldplay…
“I’ve been reading books of old..
The legends and the myths
Achilles and his gold
Hercules and his gifts
Spiderman’s control
And Batman with his fists
And clearly I don’t see myself upon that list..
But she said, where’d you wanna go?
How much you wanna risk?
I’m not looking for somebody
With some superhuman gifts
Some superhero
Some fairytale bliss
Just something I can turn to
Somebody I can kiss” 
Believe in the power of laughter, of a hug and a kiss, a handshake, of a kind word, of truth, justice, happiness, peace, dance in the rain again, play rolly polly again, play hide and seek again, play knock knock and housie again.
I wish that we all could live a tit bit part of that lil child we all have inside us, embrace it and do not let ourselves be dragged down by the society which surrounds us.
1. Be open
2. Be direct
3. Don’t hesitate
4. Dance like no one’s watching.
5. Be oblivious 
6. Laugh out load without any censors
7. Take the leap of happiness and joy for those selfies.( trust me it feels kickass)
8. Sing out loud; go to a karaoke bar or listen to the song that you loved in your childhood
9. Climb trees, play in the mud and splash in the puddles
10. Scribble and doddle on a piece of paper.
11. Revisit your childhood places
12. Belly laugh with your frnds around
13. Suspend your feelings
14. Put your egos aside
15. If you see something fun happening, join in! Don’t worry about asking — the best friendships are found in good times together
16. If you’re outside, swap walking for hopping, skipping, or running. They are all much more fun, than simple walking and will definitely burn more calories.
17. Do skipping.. its fun and its a workout too.
18. Play with words..play pictionary or taboo or ghost and tongue twisters are fun too. 
19. Buy a drawing book and do some coloring..color your world in your own creative ways.. paint the apple yellow, banana red, mango blue, clouds purple, sky pink, sun green and moon orange.
“Growing old is mandatory but growing up is optional” !! ?

2 Replies to “Let that Child in you Breath!”

  1. Worth pondering….good piece of write up..I’m reliving my childhood with my 3.5 yrs old boy and I’m definitely enjoying it.

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