Sieze the Day.. but to seize the day or to make the most of it, we must wake up early to rise and shine upon the world.
Happy Early mornings : First Epic change in your healthy lifestyle changes.
Since school itself, the early mornings and i never really bonded well; unless forced, pushed or kicked out of bed.?
I used to be a night owl or rather self injected insomniac with no regrets at all because that was the only time i thought i had to recuperate; read, write and to spend time with myself without any pokes.
Albeit, i used to be pretty groggy every morning.
But this ain’t any sensible way to roll out. Right?!?
What about the next day that goes for a toss and this is what brings in stress and sets in the grumpy mood.
And being a mother of two now, its a mammoth task to scurry up things with kids. Hence, one has no option but to wake up early and why wake up like a grumpsaurus when you have a happy way in to the Happy Mornings!?!
Nevertheless, Well now things have changed or rather i have religiously made an effort to put a kibosh on and to control alt delete some not so healthy habits to bring in the positive lifestyle changes.
And coming from the horse’s mouth,
Early mornings ain’t Overrated!
Our morning routine is what sets the mood and tone for the whole day.
My grandma used to hum this every morning-
“Uth jaag musafir bhor bhai, ab rain kahan jo sovat hai,
Jo sovat hai so khovat hai, jo jagat hai so pavat hai”
Lemme translate it for you,
“Hey wayfarer! Wake up, night has gone and its dawn already,
The one who keeps sleeping, Loses it all,
But the one who wakes up early, gets it all”
Hence, make sure you wake up early and have rapturous mornings to kickstart your day with, to make the most of it on a happy note.
Why not follow a Morning Ritual?!?!
Like doing few things daily first thing in the morning to get into the groove and so that your day turns out to be more brighter, energetic and productive.
Start from a night before
Reboot your body’s operating system from a previous night itself.
To start with, i unplug myself from the world at 11pm. This is the one habit that took a loooong time for me to soak in and get used to of, though i still struggle a lot to stick to it.?
But by the same token, it makes your next day much more minty and meaningful indeed.
Fine tuning our day wisely, can spare us with a lot of free my me myself time daily.
Confuse your tik-tok
I can totally fathom that the irksome shreaky sound of an alarm clock is so not cool when u r in your dreamy slumber. But do not put the phone on more than two snoozes of 5 mins.
Tell someone to put your clock ahead by some minutes without telling you about it, so that you have some more time than you expected to get your day going.
Start your day like its a new beginning
Wake up, n put on some lively music for you to give that instant wakey hit.
Undraw those curtains and let your house and you bask in the light and the warmth of sun.
DYOB : Drink your own bottle
Yes, keep a 1 ltr bottle of water on you bedside for yourself so that when u wake up its right there in front of you like its saying “pls drink me up”.
And keep your bottle for you only so that you can gauge the amount of water you are consuming on daily basis.
You can also spike it up and turn into a detox water by adding lemon with its rind, cucumber slice with its peel and mint leaves.
First thing in the morning for me is to find that bottle of water, drink it all up and take a dump immediately post that which is a pretty good sign of health.
Read a Book
Read a book for 10 mins that can fill you up with happy thoughts which will not only cleanse your mind off the previous day or any stress that you are carrying from before but will also pep you up for a more invigorating you.
Stretch, Exercise and Meditate
Post that, i stretch my whole body , and do Bee humming breathing or sometimes anulom-vilom, kapalbhati and 30-40 surya namaskars.

The point is to begin your day with peace and calm.
These 30 mins uplifts my mood and quickly accelerates my day on 4th gear. (Green tea too adds to it).
Write and plan your Day
That sanskrit word Dincharya is an ultimate planner for a healthy n happy day if we use it wisely.
And if this can give you an iota of extra productive time also then why not give it a shot.
Maintain a dairy or type on your phone’s notepad about how you want your day to be.
And categorically follow as well.
Healthy breakfast for a citrus fresh start of the day
Immediate next thing is the breakfast as they say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it is indeed though I don’t follow the three meals per day rule rather i prefer eating 4-5 small portions of meal after every 2-3 hours in a day.
But still breakfast gives you an instant zing for your day.
It should be full of complex carbs, protein and good fat for me to get an instant rush.
Green tea, Dry fruits, milk and eggs ( in the same order) are my staple first meal of the day thing.
And never have breakfast in a hurry rather enjoy each and every morsel of it as this meal is the spark plug for you.
Albeit, Morning rituals and all these small changes are the perfect way in, to start a day afresh and stress-free but it does take sometime to get on with it and making small changes daily will subsequently help u in shaping your day better.
Are your Morning rituals in place?!?
If not then come on, lets get cracking from today itself!
Every words written r true and if one religiously follow such routine can c the visible changes in their lives…I was always a late night person ?…all my social activities used to start post 2300 hrs…as a result used to wake up with grumpy face ? & invariabley landed up in a messy situation?…but thankfully my lil 2 yrs old kiddo is an early riseer by birth and has made me one …definitely not by choice ….but today I can confidently execute my schedule without shouting at anyone and prefers to light off by 10:30 pm…my day starts with having a glass of luke warm water …followed by 30 mins of jogging and few asanas…and yes I m game for the entire day with a smiling face.??..
Waow.. what a perfect happy start of the day.. and you are totally rubbing it off on your baby as well.. ?
N thanx a bunch for taking out time and reading it out and ofcourse for your valuable comment as well..
Means a heap!❤️❤️