You see your dreams getting a life every single day.

Yes, it’s indeed my efforts and hardwork but more than that, it’s this inverted guy (head over heels for me that too in his yogini’s way??) in the picture (my best half; my husband Wng Cmdr Dheeraj Gulati) whose support, luv and confidence in me brought the true me alive.
His “unconditional everything” for me is what gives me my real wings.
Though I should be thanking him daily for whatever he has given me and has been giving me.
And I know this post won’t suffice even a weebit of what I feel about the whole thingy. But still…..
My Dear PD (Pati Dev)?
(FIT: Fabulous and Ideal to the Tee)☺️
Thank you for everything. Thank you for dealing with all of my ups and downs and inbetweens.
For constantly bringing out the best in me and pushing me out of my comfort zone every day.
You have reminded me to stop knitting my brows on what life brings and to breathe and remember to laugh at life.
Thank you for embracing my shenanigans, snappiness and goofiness.
For loving me even during my moody, not so lovable moments.??
Thank you for being everything I have ever hoped and more in a husband and in a father of our kids. Meeting you and learning that we share the same feelings for each other and the way you always keep your family before you and rest all on the back burner; albeit you are a pilot but in my life’s flight you are my wingman????

Thank you for believing in me and my dreams.
Thank you for always pushing me and getting me further away from my threshold.
With your support I feel way more stronger in every situation that tries to drown me.
You have supported me and have cheered me on in every endeavor I chose to pursue. But you’ve also been there for the bad times where I couldn’t stop crying. These are the times I’ve needed you the most.
Thank you for those forehead kisses and hugs when I needed them the most.
Thank you for making my life star studded baby.
Love you to the moon and back
Your DP (Dharam patni)
#thatfitmum ?❤️
Proud to tell the world that you are my significant other my best friend my flyboy my Home??
Ofcourse I don’t presume that having a life partner or a companion is a must or a prerequisite to all these happy things but if you are in a relationship then having a strong and a true emotional alignment with your partner is a blessing in disguise in your passionate journey.
I was always into fitness, workouts and yoga but taking it professionally is something that I never thought seriously about.
and We both knew it could invite chaos into our lives at times especially with kids. Still, he told me to stop postponing my passion and do something that would make me happy and will make him and our kids proud of.
Communication has been a core part of our relationship since the beginning. Our long-distance courtship period lasted almost 4 years. We made countless longgg phone calls during that time, developing the skill of engaged listening albeit he was and still is the one more on the listening side?. Nevertheless, It’s served us well throughout our relationship — especially when we discuss big life decisions.
Cheers to us
#thatfitdad #thatfitmum #loveyoutothemoonandback
And I am proud of u DP ?
Xoxo!! ❤️?