Yesterday, While cleaning my sideboard’s drawers, i groped out my old ipod; Connected it with the soundlink portable speakers and first song that played was kayne’s
“When i’ll get older,
I will be stronger..
They call me freedom,
Just like a wavin’ flag”
And then it goes back,
And then it goes back…”
Well this brought me here, to this topic;
“Unbox your inner strength”
Once in our life, we are given a chance to find out just how much inner strength do we poses and usually we discover that we have way more than what we actually imagined.
But that needs to be tamed.
Tame your strength daily to turn out to be a stronger version of you everyday than what you were before.
I truely feel that i am anyday much more stronger, leaner, fitter than what i was in my younger days of 20s.
And not just stronger outside but stronger inside too.
Inner strength means overcoming your fears and other obstacles that hold you back to live an adventurous life.
Put one determined foot right in front of the other and go dig deep inside you and chase me…”I am your Willpower and an alter ego of your inner strength”.
Unfurl your willpower to know your inner strength.
Giving up or running away was never an option and should never be.
Willpower in itself as a word only sounds so strong, right on the face. Isn’t it!?!
Know your willpower and to know that you need to reach deep inside you, understand your weaknesses and get rid of them.
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger
Knowing and understanding your weaknesses and failures is a first step towards success. Absolutely these are old school cliche lines but has a downright positive impact on the outcomes that conditions our confidence, preserverance, resistance and endurance.
Aim higher and tame your inner strength to achieve those goals you wish to acheive in your life by persistence, grace and discipline.
“Convince your loaf and your strength is your baby”
Parenthetically speaking, There is only one certainty in life, and that is change. Circumstances arise, either good or bad, which require a response and how we respond to it, depends upon our character and on our ultimate inner strength.
Like many habits, inner strength can be attained.
It doesn’t matter if someone thinks that he/she is weak or afraid of trying something new or overcoming their own fears; they can still grow and achieve the inner strength necessary to overcome any of life’s challenges.
Yes, indeed it’s not easy.
Inner strength or resilience whatever one calls it, must be doctored. The only way it can be doctored is through conscious daily efforts.
Challenges must be thought of as opportunities, because that is exactly what they are. One cannot attain inner strength without challenging their strength by degrees.
When we give into challenges without a fight, we become weaker. When we resolve to overcome them with courage and whatever it takes, we become stronger and better. It’s simple to understand, but difficult to achieve.