That Fit You Sat, 30 Apr 2022 08:18:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 That Fit You 32 32 214876408 Smart scales can make your fitness goals easy!?!? Sat, 30 Apr 2022 07:50:03 +0000 Well, to start with, I never recommend my clients to hop on to that weighing scale to check their progress because a manual or a digital analog weighing scale just shows your weight but does not show the exact source of that weight I.e whether it’s your bodyfat’s weight, water’s weight or muscles gained weight.
But smart scales are not just “plain not so useful analog weighing” scales
They are indeed larger than life.
What is a smart scale?
A smart scale is a complete fitness and health tracking system.
These scales track multiple biometric measurements which is much more than just measuring your weight.
It can integrate with a fitness tracking app to help you get a clearer picture of your overall health and fitness level.
These scales are electronic devices that measures, tracks and synchronises weight and other useful health data with a smart phone app or a web-based interface. Typical smart scales are able to measure and track data, such as body mass index (BMI), body fat and weight etc
These days the several common causes of early death, such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and even certain types of cancer are linked to obesity.
Hence managing our weight is a must; especially, in India where every now and then we have some or the other festivity or celebrations where we end up eating all that junk and oily bad calories which add to that not so pretty looking belly.
While weight management involves a whole lifestyle of good habits, one integral piece is weighing yourself.
And here exactly why you need one smart home weighing scale.
Plonking a smart scale at home not only makes sure of keeping track of your own weight but will also help you keep all those extra kgs of your family as well at bay.
It indeed has the potential of making your whole family health tracking easy.
Lately, I came across this Actofit Smart Scale, and believe me you, just loved the way it has been designed to track my body’s metrix that can anytime help me gauge my fitness and health levels so that I can make changes to my daily routine accordingly.
Reasons why I really liked actofit is::
• It measures 14 body composition metrics i.e;
1. Skeletal muscle
2. Subcataneous Fat
3. Visceral Fat
4. Weight
5. Protein
6. Fat free weight
7. Body mass
8. Metabolic Age
9. Muscle mass
10. Physique
11. BMR
12. Body Fat
13. Body water
14. BMI
Isn’t it wow!!
Indeed smart huh?!?!?
• Best in class Dual frequency BIA – Increased Accuracy and Reliability over traditional analysis methods
• Graphical analysis -When the smart scale syncs to your app, it converts your stats into trend graphs that help you learn if you are actually getting results.
• Wireless syncing – Setup the smartscale using the phones Bluetooth connection, it will then automatically sync your stats when you use it
• Multi user database – 16 users. Social Media / Email share option. 24 hour support at
And I would definitely love to recommend this product to all my clients, friends and family.
Plus by the same token, This Diwali they are giving a special offer as well,
wherein the actual cost is 7,999 Rs but you can make it yours in just 5,999 Rs.
And wait, not just this!!
And by using CODE: DIWALI
U can also avail extra discount of 1200 Rs.
So, blimey!! It will only cost you 4799 Rs only.
Guess that’s a steal indeed!
Last but not the least,
It’s no magic, so don’t forget to workout and eat right and in moderation!

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A letter to my Significant Other Sun, 10 Dec 2017 20:52:53 +0000 How life decides to surprise you everyday when you decide to live the way you always wanted to.
You see your dreams getting a life every single day.

Yes, it’s indeed my efforts and hardwork but more than that, it’s this inverted guy (head over heels for me that too in his yogini’s way??) in the picture (my best half; my husband Wng Cmdr Dheeraj Gulati) whose support, luv and confidence in me brought the true me alive.
His “unconditional everything” for me is what gives me my real wings.
Though I should be thanking him daily for whatever he has given me and has been giving me.
And I know this post won’t suffice even a weebit of what I feel about the whole thingy. But still…..
My Dear PD (Pati Dev)?
(FIT: Fabulous and Ideal to the Tee)☺
Thank you for everything. Thank you for dealing with all of my ups and downs and inbetweens.
For constantly bringing out the best in me and pushing me out of my comfort zone every day.
You have reminded me to stop knitting my brows on what life brings and to breathe and remember to laugh at life.
Thank you for embracing my shenanigans, snappiness and goofiness.
For loving me even during my moody, not so lovable moments.??
Thank you for being everything I have ever hoped and more in a husband and in a father of our kids. Meeting you and learning that we share the same feelings for each other and the way you always keep your family before you and rest all on the back burner; albeit you are a pilot but in my life’s flight you are my wingman????
Falling in love with someone who admires and respects you to the tee is something that I will never take for granted.
Thank you for believing in me and my dreams.
Thank you for always pushing me and getting me further away from my threshold.
With your support I feel way more stronger in every situation that tries to drown me.
You have supported me and have cheered me on in every endeavor I chose to pursue. But you’ve also been there for the bad times where I couldn’t stop crying. These are the times I’ve needed you the most.
Thank you for those forehead kisses and hugs when I needed them the most.
Thank you for making my life star studded baby.
Love you to the moon and back
Your DP (Dharam patni)
#thatfitmum ?❤
Proud to tell the world that you are my significant other my best friend my flyboy my Home??
Ofcourse I don’t presume that having a life partner or a companion is a must or a prerequisite to all these happy things but if you are in a relationship then having a strong and a true emotional alignment with your partner is a blessing in disguise in your passionate journey.
I was always into fitness, workouts and yoga but taking it professionally is something that I never thought seriously about.
and We both knew it could invite chaos into our lives at times especially with kids. Still, he told me to stop postponing my passion and do something that would make me happy and will make him and our kids proud of.
Communication has been a core part of our relationship since the beginning. Our long-distance courtship period lasted almost 4 years. We made countless longgg phone calls during that time, developing the skill of engaged listening albeit he was and still is the one more on the listening side?. Nevertheless, It’s served us well throughout our relationship — especially when we discuss big life decisions.
Cheers to us
#thatfitdad #thatfitmum #loveyoutothemoonandback

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Being Woman!! Thu, 28 Sep 2017 03:37:55 +0000 Superwomen or women.. who are we?
Well, the word WOMAN is so heavy and powerful in itself that calling her a “superwoman” sounds so redundant.
But what makes us one, ever thought about it?
Ofcourse it’s not just the “women Horlicks” (wink)
We all have our own drums of struggles and sacks of battles to deal with on a daily basis.
These struggles are there for all of us. 
Being a mother, a daughter, a wife, a professional, a home maker and to cap it all a woman, be it in the house or outside the house; we all face these struggles in some or the other ways and come out of it everyday with flying colours that too without a visible cape.
But what defines us?
Brooded over it for long, n then my inner me (the inside Neha) nudged me saying hey, u r a woman too.. ask yourself!!
Hence after a lot of contemplation, brainstorming and interviewing a few women friends.. i realised that there is not one answer to it as its a very subjective and a neverending topic.
For some its her beauty that defines her, her curves that define her. 
For some a woman is a creator, a destroyer and a nurturer.
But one thing was very clear that our ilk is definitely not defined by our relations and roles that we have in others’ lives.
And not by her eyeliner,make up or high heels that she wears, not by her bossoms, or by her vitals or by her biological stamp that she can bear a child either.
For me; my courage, strength, confidence, my fire, my passion, my laughter, my love, my shenanigans, my madness, my spirit, my values, my scars, my struggles and battles, my nature, my wisdom; these are the attributes that define the true woman in me.
My inner Goddess of these attributes makes me a Woman.
That brings me to the idiom “woman of substance”
They say its a thing of honour to be branded as a “woman of substance” albeit i truely endorse that as per the true definition of it, we all are downright one in our own 
Beautiful ways.
We all have a strong character, consistent in some or the other ways, 
A Woman has more to her than meets the eye and has a variety of interests outside also than within her home and family.
She is interesting to get to know; she possesses a depth of personality and character.
Ladies, i am saying it all, so that next time when you look into the mirror, you should feel these attributes within that defines you as a complete beautiful woman. 
When you step out of your house, imagine yourself into a
The world should be a bokeh and you should be that sharp object in the limelight of a Digital camera sprinkling your magic of being a woman; a Strong star studded woman; a Super Woman.
Not saying or feeling this all so vehemently just beacuse i am one of them too, but also because the world i am in, has a deep rooted belief that our family roles and relations define our existence in the world and they make us believe that other than this, we are nothing. 
To depict the true woman, i thought of showcasing her with the help of my passion; a yoga pose.
Winged Goddess of victory pose!!
Utakta konasana
Victory Goddess pose
Victory squat pose
Fierce angled pose
Just a thought of this pose fills me up with a huge bag of positive energy. 
Imagine the feel of the pose that has such powerful words in its name “Victory” and “Goddess”. This is the pose that personifies victory and unfurls the strength within.
With this pose we harness the forces of the whole universe whilst unfurling our inner intrinsic strength and connecting with our inner inborn goddess of the strong feminine strength within.
Winged goddess of victory, freedom, strength, power, creativity and all that good that you can think of.
Striking this pose, especially the way i have shown here, my arms are the goddess’s wings. 
All these 8 arms together as wings bestow; 
-tranquility, and 
-confidence upon our inner and outer self taking us to our ultimate victory.
Conversantly speaking, in a yoga practice and tradition whilst practising, we are not just conventionally moulding ourselves like a contortionist but we are uniting and connecting with our inner self too.
Parenthetically speaking,
“Its not just about asanas but about unified consciousness and godessness of these attributes that we all achieve and experience naturally by degrees.
Many of us, even i sumtimes become performance oriented, when it comes to asanas or any kind of workouts or learnings. 
But whats the point of striking the best handstand or backbend or having a strong abdominal muscles or a strong back?
After cracking it all as well, i am still a person full of fears, anger, restlessness and negativity.
In yoga, We yoke, which means unite with our natural state of consciousness and get rid of all these negative attributes of ours.
Now a days, yoga is less of a thing that i am doing but more of a cleansing and self awareness process that i am engaging in.
Here, the highest level we can attain is communion with the ground of this consciousness, such that there is no longer anything to yoke or unite.
In this asana, by aligning your deep breaths with your body and mind , you can find the real empowerment of all the inbuilt positive attributes that we disregard at times.
FYI: This asana has tremendous benefits for the body and mind both and one of its energetic benefit prepares the body for childbirth by creating more room in the pelvis as this asana stretches your groin, hips and chest whilst strengthening your core and quadriceps as well.
Being a women is my superpower what’s yours?!

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Unbox your Inner Strength Tue, 19 Sep 2017 02:54:44 +0000 Yesterday, While cleaning my sideboard’s drawers, i groped out my old ipod;  Connected it with the soundlink portable speakers and first song that played was kayne’s 
“When i’ll get older, 
  I will be stronger..
 They call me freedom,
  Just like a wavin’ flag”
 And then it goes back,
 And then it goes back…”
Well this brought me here, to this topic;
“Unbox your inner strength”
Once in our life, we are given a chance to find out just how much inner strength do we poses and usually we discover that we have way more than what we actually imagined.
But that needs to be tamed.
Tame your strength daily to turn out to be a stronger version of you everyday than what you were before.
I truely feel that i am anyday much more stronger, leaner, fitter than what i was in my younger days of 20s.
And not just stronger outside but stronger inside too.
Inner strength means overcoming your fears and other obstacles that hold you back to live an adventurous life.
Put one determined foot right in front of the other and go dig deep inside you and chase me…”I am your Willpower and an alter ego of your inner strength”.
Unfurl your willpower to know your inner strength.
Giving up or running away was never an option and should never be.
Willpower in itself as a word only sounds so strong, right on the face. Isn’t it!?!
Know your willpower and to know that you need to reach deep inside you, understand your weaknesses and get rid of them.
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger
Knowing and understanding your weaknesses and failures is a first step towards success. Absolutely these are old school cliche lines but has a downright positive impact on the outcomes that conditions our confidence, preserverance, resistance and endurance. 
Aim higher and tame your inner strength to achieve those goals you wish to acheive in your life by persistence, grace and discipline.

“Convince your loaf and your strength is your baby”

Parenthetically speaking, There is only one certainty in life, and that is change. Circumstances arise, either good or bad, which require a response and how we respond to it, depends upon our character and on our ultimate inner strength.
Like many habits, inner strength can be attained.
 It doesn’t matter if someone thinks that he/she is weak or afraid of trying something new or overcoming their own fears; they can still grow and achieve the inner strength necessary to overcome any of life’s challenges. 
Yes, indeed it’s not easy.
Inner strength or resilience whatever one calls it, must be doctored. The only way it can be doctored is through conscious daily efforts.
 Challenges must be thought of as opportunities, because that is exactly what they are. One cannot attain inner strength without challenging their strength by degrees. 
When we give into challenges without a fight, we become weaker. When we resolve to overcome them with courage and whatever it takes, we become stronger and better. It’s simple to understand, but difficult to achieve.

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What does being Fit means to you? Sat, 09 Sep 2017 19:34:37 +0000

Being happy fit is more important or being thin fit ?!?!

Our society, social media, peer pressure forces us to believe that having that ultra curvaceous beach ready figure or a V Shaped body is the real mint.

But really!?!?

And all this at the cost of what, losing your sleep and peace over “perfect number on the weighing scale”, for the selfies, for the Instagram, for the social media or for that hot LBD,

No, am not judging anyone here, ofcourse who doesn’t like flaunting those Little Black Dresses and fishing for heartmelting compliments. But for more than anything else,

Do it for yourself, to feel comfortable in your own skin, for leading a healthy long happy and disease free life.

Post pictures on social media, but not to show off, but to be an inspiration to all, to show the world that “this ,what you are doing is your happy place”, to motivate others to make the right healthy choices in their life so that they too can find their happy place.

You work crazy hard for being fit but inside you are stressed, dull, cranky, unhappy, pooped out, then there is no point as it will only lead you towards illness and diseases.

They say a person who leads a happy stress free life with an active daily routine lives longer than others who don’t.

“Having a Balanced Mind is as important as having a Balanced body”

Metamorphosis of lifestyle is important but only if that brings more confidence and spark of happiness in your life.

Majority of us have misunderstood the fitness and fatness thing.

That very first thought that comes in our mind about fitness is being thin.

When we think about “getting in shape” ,

The shape we think about is that V shape body and an hour glass swag look.

Being in good shape means improving lifestyle and health, but we focus on reducing fatness instead, which is nothing but superficial fitness.

We have to understand that strength, stamina, health, happiness, balance( of body and mind both), endurance and tranquility should be our main goal and these are more important in the long run than being skinny.

Let those love handles be there, let those bingo wings be there, let that muffin top be there as more than these your stress will kill your confidence.

Especially some girls who take this whole ball game of looking thin to such an extent that unknowingly they drag themselves to BULIMIA i.e an emotional disorder characterized by a distorted body image and an obsessive desire to lose weight, in which bouts of extreme overeating are followed by fasting or self-induced vomiting or purging.

Dont strive for weight loss but for lifestyle changes, inculcate healthy eating habits and exercise regime in your lifestyle and forget about the rest of it as weight loss is an inevitable byproduct of a healthy lifestyle.

You will lose weight by default if you are religiously following a healthy lifestyle.

When people do become more physically active and are cognizant of their nutritional intake, they get real health benefits.

People have a myth in their head that if they are not able to lose weight with exercise then they are not getting benefitted by exercising.

Which is absolutely wrong,

Other than the weight loss, chiseled chest, biceps, hot six packs and all that jazz exercise is producing more endorphins for you, a happy hormone.

Being fit by eating healthy and changing the body’s composition is how we can be fitter for long.

Changing body composition means having more muscles mass in the body than fat mass.

Parenthetically speaking,

It may actually be healthy for an overweight person to gain some weight — if the new weight comes as muscle and not fat as muscles are more in weight than fat but they look leaner than fat.

Changing to a healthy diet means cutting back on high-fat food and on starchy carbs. It means eating a balanced diet that includes protein, whole grains, vegetables, fruit, fiber, and, yes, some healthy fats. People who do this, and who get moderate exercise, can lose body fat and gain lean muscle.

Don’t demonize your body fat instead use it for muscle building or shed it off with workout and healthy balanced diet.

And over and above all this,

Feel happy within, do what brings smile on your face, MEDITATE or do what you know will bring health and happiness in yours and in the lives of people around you.

So, What does fitness mean to you?

Ask yourself today!!




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Hey Ladies! Don’t be scared of lifting Weights Sat, 09 Sep 2017 12:33:17 +0000 Lifting weights is not only a guys thing, even you can do it.
The only reason that you dreading it is the myth that you’ll get bulky, Right?!
Mark my words, you will NOT.
If you are working on lean muscles with right diet and right balance of strength training and cardio, you will actually get leaner and toned and not bulky for sure.
5-6 years back, I was also of the same opinion but it was purely because of the lack of knowledge about it.
I was petrified by the mere thought of looking like a bouncer at the discotheque or like those hulky bodybuilders.
Lil did i know that muscles are actually gonna tone me up from head to toe, else i would hv started doing weights back then only.
Nevertheless, i am at it now and that too after being a mother of two c-section babies that i have extracted out of me by going under the knife twice. (indeed an ultra excruciating experience for anyone) but i am undoubtedly more confident and strong than what i was in my 20s.
Our ilk, can never look bulky because of weight training unless we are doing it all wrong way, high on testosterone hormone or taking steroids.
The word “bulky” is pretty subjective.
The actual definition of what “bulky” looks like to each one of us can be very different. What one woman finds bulky, another might find still too slim, or just right, or perhaps downright beautiful.
And getting those huge muscles that you are afraid of, that doesn’t happen overnight; women who carry a lot of muscles have likely worked very hard for it.
The feeling of bulkiness while lifting weights comes in the picture for those who are lifting weights without losing the layers of fat covering those muscles.
Because when you are into weight training you might consume more calories too.
Now muscles are working on your fat and strength both together but if you are eating more than you should then here, you are creating more fat stores for your body and gaining fat and muscles together that will make you look bulkier than before.
And of course muscles weigh more than fat and if you’ll keep gaining muscle mass without losing any fat. You will definitely end up looking a bit bulky and heavier too.
Hence, Right proportion of cardio training and strength training is a must while consuming only the required amount of calories with a balanced diet.
There are so many benefits of muscle training other than just growing muscles on you.
Seven Benefits of having some muscles on you:
1. Building muscles in a natural way will not only boost your metabolism but will also make you leaner and stronger inside out.
2. Muscles makes our cardio workouts easier than before As in when your body is stronger and more capable than before,  it makes your cardio workouts like running swimming, cycling etc much more easier to perform.
3. Like you burn calories with  cardio workouts same ways you burn calories with weight training and body weight training as well infact with the latter you give an extra kick to metabolism and weight loss and Muscles helps you burn more calories even after your workout is over.
4. If you weight train and do cardio equally, you’ll be in a better shape.
5. Weight training is one of the best ways to improve your mood. It reduces stress, anxiety, and depression, and it creates a sense of happiness as well.
6. That flat tummy that we always crave for. Yes, weight training can totally make you meet your dream abs.
7. Healthy body is a young and fit body that you can be proud of. Nothing boosts self-confidence like a body you’re psyched to show off — the only way to do that is through a balanced healthy diet, cardio and some weight-training.
Workout suggestions
1. Keep doing cardio three times a week, but add two or three strength-training workouts. Aim to work all the major muscles over the week; complete one to two sets of 8 to 12 repetitions of each exercise.
2. Follow the “overload principle” keep increasing the amount of weight that you are lifting by degrees. But increae only when you are comfortable and feel that your body is strong enough for it.
3. Keep trying new training plans for your body. Once a month, change one thing about your cardio and weight-training regimens because If you’ll keep following one fitness routine eventually your results will start slowing down.
Please note, If you’re happy with the amount of muscle mass you have, you can still train heavy and train for strength gain and muscle maintenance, as opposed to muscle gain.
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Bittersweet (another small poem) Wed, 23 Aug 2017 05:01:53 +0000 Ain’t we a bit bitter inside?!
Sad eyes on happy faces, 
Indeed life is an inevitable roller coaster ride,
But its us who’ll spread the brightness with the fire of our light.
And trust me it’ll be alright.
Yes life is like a
 bitterness of coffee in the morning,
 and bitterness of whiskey at night.
 but we’ll stay the bittersweet that 
we are,
like a 20 year old wine,
that we had together last night at nine.
We are bitter because we ain’t what we should be,
Jealousy, hatred, voilence, betrayal, anger and fear are the reasons why we couldn’t be.
Ain’t we feeling bitter about the whole thing called “love” in our life?!,
Lets Cut those fraying threads of anguish with a sharp knife.
I know,
They put bandaid on our wounded heart,
with their favourite word ,”sorry”
humphh what an art?!!!
Can’t they see what tore our souls apart,
and left us bitter and hard.
We gave them our energy but they never gave it back,
We gave them our heart but they drove a knife and we happily let it crack.
But they don’t know we can use its each and every shard,
and ricochet at their ego’s dart.
The laugh that we laughed before,
The songs that we sang before,
The time that we spent before,
The memories that we cherished before,
The life that we lived before,
They took it all away,
and we couldn’t do much but to cry and roar.
Yes they left nothing of you in you,
left nothing of me in me,
but its better to get loved than never at all or to abhor.
So we set ourselves free,
and buried all those keepsakes, memories and nights under a tree.
Removed the cobwebs of sadness from our eyes,
and put on that infectious carefree smiles,
At last we found the sweetness back
that we no longer required to hide.
Ain’t we still a bit bitter inside??!!

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Happy Mornings Fri, 18 Aug 2017 05:43:27 +0000 CARPE DIEM!!
Sieze the Day.. but to seize the day or to make the most of it, we must wake up early to rise and shine upon the world.
Happy Early mornings : First Epic change in your healthy lifestyle changes.
Since school itself, the early mornings and i never really bonded well; unless forced, pushed or kicked out of bed.? 
I used to be a night owl or rather self injected insomniac with no regrets at all because that was the only time i thought i had to recuperate; read, write and to spend time with myself without any pokes.
Albeit, i used to be pretty groggy every morning.
But this ain’t any sensible way to roll out. Right?!?
What about the next day that goes for a toss and this is what brings in stress and sets in the grumpy mood.
And being a mother of two now, its a mammoth task to scurry up things with kids. Hence, one has no option but to wake up early and why wake up like a grumpsaurus when you have a happy way in to the Happy Mornings!?!
Nevertheless, Well now things have changed or rather i have religiously made an effort to put a kibosh on and to control alt delete some not so healthy habits to bring in the positive lifestyle changes.
And coming from the horse’s mouth, 
Early mornings ain’t Overrated! 
Our morning routine is what sets the mood and tone for the whole day.
My grandma used to hum this every morning-
“Uth jaag musafir bhor bhai, ab rain kahan jo sovat hai, 
Jo sovat hai so khovat hai, jo jagat hai so pavat hai”

Lemme translate it for you,
“Hey wayfarer! Wake up, night has gone and its dawn already, 

The one who keeps sleeping, Loses it all,

But the one who wakes up early, gets it all”
Hence, make sure you wake up early and have rapturous mornings to kickstart your day with, to make the most of it on a happy note.
Why not follow a Morning Ritual?!?!

Like doing few things daily first thing in the morning to get into the groove and so that your day turns out to be more brighter, energetic and productive.
Start from a night before
Reboot your body’s operating system from a previous night itself.
To start with, i unplug myself from the world at 11pm. This is the one habit that took a loooong time for me to soak in and get used to of, though i still struggle a lot to stick to it.?
But by the same token, it makes your next day much more minty and meaningful indeed.
Fine tuning our day wisely, can spare us with a lot of free my me myself time daily.
Confuse your tik-tok
I can totally fathom that the irksome shreaky sound of an alarm clock is so not cool when u r in your dreamy slumber. But do not put the phone on more than two snoozes of 5 mins. 
Tell someone to put your clock ahead by some minutes without telling you about it, so that you have some more time than you expected to get your day going.
Start your day like its a new beginning 
Wake up, n put on some lively music for you to give that instant wakey hit.
Undraw those curtains and let your house and you bask in the light and the warmth of sun.
DYOB : Drink your own bottle

Yes, keep a 1 ltr bottle of water on you bedside for yourself so that when u wake up its right there in front of you like its saying “pls drink me up”. 
And keep your bottle for you only so that you can gauge the amount of water you are consuming on daily basis. 
You can also spike it up and turn into a detox water by adding lemon with its rind, cucumber slice with its peel and mint leaves. 
First thing in the morning for me is to find that bottle of water, drink it all up and take a dump immediately post that which is a pretty good sign of health.
Read a Book
Read a book for 10 mins that can fill you up with happy thoughts which will not only cleanse your mind off the previous day or any stress that you are carrying from before but will also pep you up for a more invigorating you.
Stretch, Exercise and Meditate
Post that, i stretch my whole body , and do Bee humming breathing or sometimes anulom-vilom, kapalbhati and 30-40 surya namaskars.

The point is to begin your day with peace and calm.
These 30 mins uplifts my mood and quickly accelerates my day on 4th gear. (Green tea too adds to it).
Write and plan your Day
That sanskrit word Dincharya is an ultimate planner for a healthy n happy day if we use it wisely.
And if this can give you an iota of extra productive time also then why not give it a shot.
Maintain a dairy or type on your phone’s notepad about how you want your day to be.
And categorically follow as well.
Healthy breakfast for a citrus fresh start of the day
Immediate next thing is the breakfast as they say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it is indeed though I don’t follow the three meals per day rule rather i prefer eating 4-5 small portions of meal after every 2-3 hours in a day. 
But still breakfast gives you an instant zing for your day.
It should be full of complex carbs, protein and good fat for me to get an instant rush.
Green tea, Dry fruits, milk and eggs ( in the same order) are my staple first meal of the day thing.
And never have breakfast in a hurry rather enjoy each and every morsel of it as this meal is the spark plug for you.
Albeit, Morning rituals and all these small changes are the perfect way in, to start a day afresh and stress-free but it does take sometime to get on with it and making small changes daily will subsequently help u in shaping your day better.
Are your Morning rituals in place?!?
If not then come on, lets get cracking from today itself!

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Ardha Anuvittasana Sat, 29 Jul 2017 06:05:07 +0000 Ardha Anuvittasana
Ardha means half
Anuvitt means obtained
Start out very gently and go deep in in the vinyasa flow.
Standing backbend is a wonderful heart-opening pose. It helps to release tension, especially in the neck and shoulders. This pose helps to open up the respiratory system for deeper, fuller breath.
Standing Backbend is also a fantastic preparatory pose for any deep backbend like Wheel, Bow or Camel pose.
Start your morning yoga practice with the standing asanas.
Anuvittasana is a standing back bending asana. 
You also start with a morning yoga continues flow and add Ardha Anuvittasana in that.
We do same asana in surya namaskar as well but only with a slight back bend and call it hastuttansana.
Start with feet close together and the hands in prayer position.  Stand tall, inhale.  Keep the eyes on the fingers and extend the arms straight overhead. Drop the tailbone toward the heels and firm down through the buttocks and inner thighs. Press into the feet and lift the heart, extending the chest up. 
Stay in the pose for as long as you can.
Slowly and gently come back up.

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Fitness injected inspirational story by Shikha Dixit Shukla Sat, 15 Jul 2017 05:16:23 +0000 A woman can live without food but not without compliments, which keeps inspiring me to be fit and lively.Being MOM is a wonderful experience and the dream of every female. 
   I was 53 kgs when I conceived, and I reached to my heaviest 75kg. Being always a fitness freak helped me to have a healthy and smooth pregnancy. I continued with YOGA in the first trimester and then continued walking for the whole period, this helped me post delivery also as I had not suffered from any joint pain. My goal was to fit into my old favorite clothes. Despite being busy with my angel, I knocked myself and started walking for half an hour. What helps me the most is my flair for Dance, I do dance workouts, and now this exercise is so satisfying as my daughter also joins me in that. 
When you have a husband who is also a fitness freak, then you have to be always on toes to be healthy, and we both always prefer healthy food over fat and sugar.
And that is how the compliments have started raining at me once again. 
All the ladies out there need to understand that ITS OUR RIGHT TO BE YOUNG, SEXY AND HOT FOREVER. KEEP SWEATING!

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