I have been training since last 5 years. 

There is more to leading online personal training sessions than simply compiling a list of exercises for your clients to perform. As a personal trainer, I want to make sure my clients are getting the most out of their plans with me. I believe in keeping it SMART

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable 
  • Realistic 
  • Timely

“Comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there”

I am here with a vision to inspire, encourage and give you the right push required to make you reach your goals and improve your lifestyle in a healthy holistic way, and fitness is not in reaching just your fitness goals, it’s about following a sustainable lifestyle as well. My job is to provide you with all the support, knowledge and push that one needs in their respective journey.

I remember how difficult it was for me when I started my journey as a rookie, when I didn’t get an opportunity to have a mentor/sensei to guide me through it, had zilch knowledge on how to go about it or where to even start. Hence coming from a horse’s mouth, I exactly know what it means to have a sensei who can usher you towards a better tomorrow.

  • Weekly progress check 
  • Customized plans
  • Evaluation
  • Accountability