Doctors say that we can survive without food for thirty to forty daysBut..without water, life would end in three to five days.
Body’s water is responsible for all the bodily functions such as digestion, absorption etc.
Low water intake causes toxins in body that triggers headache.
An average adult’s body is approximately 70 percent water; it can get as low as 45% if you’re overweight. (Info collected from internet) 
Toddlers should have 4-5 cups of water daily. Young children should have 6-7 cups daily and adults should have about 9-10 cups i.e 2.5 to 3 ltrs!
In my two cents’ worth keep a snooze on your phone that reads “water time” and spread out your daily water intake with the help of hourly snoozes!
Tips on right time to wet your whistle with water:
1.Drink 1 to 2 glasses as soon as you wake up to get your system going.
2.Drink 1 glass of water half an hour before your meal to boost weight loss.
3.Don’t drink water during or immediately before or after your meal, as it dilutes digestive juices rather Substitute water during meals with yoghurt, buttermilk (chaas) or raita. 
4.Drink water when you feel hungry to prevent needless snacking.
5.Drink a glass of water when you feel tired, to power up your brain.
6.Drink more water in the first half of the day than the second half to prevent middle-of-the-night bathroom trips.
7.Drink plenty of water before and after you exercise to power up your muscles.
Lets talk about Some epic Homemade Detox water (DIY) which is the latest diet craze and anyday more than just a fad!
Spike it up and enjoy every nip of your water which might make you have it more. With the advent of detoxification water, it is possible to enjoy delicious treats without sacrificing your figure.Succumbing to the desire for sweets no longer spells on weight loss planning as well!
1. Cucumber detox water:
Add cucumber in a water bottle just two before consumption. Cucumber is full of fat burning enzymes.hence this detox water will boost up your weight loss as well!
2. Lemon ginger detox water Add half ginger root knob in a glass of water and squirt half a lenon in it and tadaa!
3. Lemon and mint detox water: This one is my fave as it has mint which is in itself a very refreshing herb for all!
4. Watermelon detox water
   Just add a wedge of watermelon two hours before consumption in a glass of water!
5. Apple cider spa water
Add 5 drops of apple cider in a glass of water !
6. Mint lemon and cucumber spa water
7. Detox water with aloe
Add aloe vera pulp in the water n nip it all!
8. Refreshing citrus, mint and cucumber detox water
9. Detox iced green tea (my another fave)
Add starwberry,mint,lemon, orange clove and green tea bag in the brainfreezing iced water.
10. Lemongrass and green tea detox water or lemongrass and Cinnemon green tea detox water.

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